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This page has investigated the model number of the Wii hardware which Nintendo released.
and, the model number is RVL-??? by consecutive numbers. RVL stands for "ReVoLution". "Revolution" is the code name of the Wii. Please refer to these official pages about each peripherals. because, this page wrote based on the information in Japanese shop and on network. but I think that "probably, there is no difference, except a region and a power supply".
Model No. | Model Name | Comments | ||||||
RVL-001 | Wii |
It's a smart game machine that has both the extreme of the Nintendo64 and friendly of the GameCube.
The body size is width 44mm x height 157mm x depth 215.4mm, very compact.
Very refreshingly because a lot of cables are not needed.
and, It's can be set up vertical or horizontal without buying peripherals.
Therefore, it's possible to set up freely compared with the past.
It's compatible with GameCube, because architecture is the same.
Loading times are relatively quick.
It never becomes a stress.
RVL-002 | AC Adapter |
AC adapter for Wii.
The AC/DC converter is on the middle of the cord.
RVL-003 | Wii Remote |
It's the main part of the new game controller, and characterizes Wii.
The shape looks like the TV remote control. It has integrated a built-in motion sensor, that can input the inclination and the movement of vertical, horizontal and depth. and, It has the pointing device that indicates the screen. It also has integrated a built-in rumble feature and the speaker. The buttons has decreased to minimum, because an advanced sensor is built-in. There is A-button in the cebter, B-button in the back, + Control Pad (directional pad) in the upper of A-button, -(Minus) * Home * +(Plus) buttons in the lower of A-button, and there are 1 * 2 buttons in the lower side. There is an extension connector in the bottom, and Nunchuk(RVL-004) and Classic Controller(RVL-005) can be connected. As a result, a more complex playing and a new experience are offered. They can be used up to four at the same time on the Wii. The player indicator lamp in the lower side shows the player number. When it's recognized, the Sync button of Remote and Console is pushed simultaneously. and, It can be recognized at one time from the menu, when using in friend's house. and more, It can save and carry small data such as Mii. It uses two AA Alkaline batteries or Nickel metal hydride batteries(NiMH), don't use Nickel-cadmium batteries(Ni-Cd). and, It can shut-down the system from the button on the left.
RVL-003(-01) | Wii TV Remote Control |
♦ Wii TV Remote Control [RVL-003(-01)]
It's TV remote control that looks like Wii Remote. It was presented to the 2005 platinum member of club NINTENDO at October 2006. Naturally, it cannot be used as a game controller, because it's the TV remote control. It can be used on the TVs of following 17 companies. When setting up, enter those commands while holding the POWER button (blinking the POWER lamp).
RVL-004 | Nunchuk |
It's one of the expansion units that can be connected with the Wii Remote(RVL-003).
It's a basic extension unit bundled to the Wii.
When this is connected, WiiRemote becomes a nunchuk style.
The style will be used more than alone of the Wii Remote(RVL-003). There is the control stick in the center, and the C,Z buttons in the shoulder. moreover, The same motion sensor as the Wii remote control is installed.
RVL-005 | Classic Controller |
It's one of the expansion units that can be connected with the Wii Remote(RVL-003).
It's a controller who looks like SNES. There is + Control Pad (directional pad) in the right, a * b * x * y Buttons in the left, -(Minus) * Home * +(Plus) Buttons in the center, L * R * ZR * ZR Buttons in the shoulder, and, There is two analog stick.
RVL-006 | Game Disc | 12cm (4.72 inch) optical disc containing Wii game data. | ||||||
RVL-007 & RVL-008 Unidentified. | ||||||||
RVL-009 | AV Cable |
The Stereo A/V Cable is used to display a standard picture.
It is connected to the "AV MULTI OUT" on the Wii.
It's the simplest connection cable. because, The cable can be connected to most television.
RVL-010 | S-Video(S-VHS) Cable |
The S-Video(S-VHS) Cable is used to display a higher quality picture than AV Cable.
It is connected to the "AV MULTI OUT" on the Wii.
High picture could enjoy easily, because there are many supporting televisions.
RVL-011 | Component AV Cable |
The Component AV Cable is used to display a higher quality picture than S-Video.
It is connected to the "AV MULTI OUT" on the Wii.
It provides a picture quality equal to that of the D-Terminal Cable.
If connected to a progressive scan mode TVs a clear progressive scan image is displayed if the software is Progressive Scan compatible.
RVL-012 | D-terminal AV Cable |
The D-Terminal AV Cable is used to display a higher quality picture than S-Video.
It is connected to the "AV MULTI OUT" on the Wii.
If connected to a D2 terminal or above (D2/D3/D4/D5) a clear progressive scan image is displayed (D2 displays a 480p signal, D1 does not)
if the software is Progressive Scan compatible.
Even connected to a D1 terminal the picture quality is still somewhat enhanced over that of S-Video.
RVL-013 | RGB SCART Cable |
This cable is compatible with SCART(RGB) that is the European standard.
This cable can be used only in PAL version Wii(Europe), and it's not possible to use in NTSC version Wii(Japan and America).
because, Only PAL version can output RGB.
It is connected to the "AV MULTI OUT" on the Wii.
RVL-014 | Sensor Bar |
It's a bar set up on the head or bottom of the television, so that the Wii Remote(RVL-003) can be accurately pointing.
It provides with high concealment.
It's bunndled with the system.
RVL-015 | USB 2.0 LAN adapter |
It is Ethernet(LAN) adaptor for the person who doesn't have wireless LAN environment.
It is installed into USB connector on the system's back.
RVL-016 | Sensor Bar Stand |
It's a stand for Sensor Bar.
It's bunndled with the system.
RVL-017 | Wii Console Stand |
It's a stand necessary to make Wii stand vertically.
Because there is an air hole in the bottom of the system.
By the way. When Wii is made to stand vertically, the logo and mark can be correctly seen.
It's bunndled with the system.
RVL-018 | Wii Remote Wrist Strap |
It's a wrist strap to prevent danger to which the Wii Remote(RVL-003) is omitted.
It's bunndled with the Wii Remote.
RVL-019 | Wii Stand Plate |
It's the transparent plate that assists the stand.
It's bunndled with the system.
RVL-020 | SD Memory Card 512MB |
It's Nintendo official SD card that can be used to take out the game data etc.
RVL-021 | Wii Balance Board | |||||||
RVL-022 | Wii Remote Jacket |
The wrist strap(RVL-018) will be able to prevent danger.
However, The accident might happen when getting excited.
That time; It's a jacket of Wii remote that can reduce damage.
RVL-023 | Wii Zapper |
RVL-024 | Wii Wheel |
Unidentified after RVL-025. |
RVL-001 (@November 19, 2006),
RVL-005 (@November 19, 2006),
RVL-006 (@November 19, 2006),
RVL-014 (@November 19, 2006),
RVL-016 (@November 19, 2006),
RVL-017 (@November 19, 2006),
RVL-018 (@November 19, 2006),
RVL-019 (@November 19, 2006)
was offered information by Uncle Bob-san. Thanks!
RVL-013 (@December 17, 2006)
was offered information by Jonathan VB-san. Thanks!
RVL-022 (@October 11, 2007)
was offered information by akasatana-san. Thanks!