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Caution about this page(SCPH).
This page is an extra of Nintendo Hard Numbers. This page-master is NO PlayStation fanatic, and NO PlayStation user! An improper expression is included in this page. Because, This page-master is Japanese Nintendo Fanatic, and has only the lowest English skill. Take care when this page is watched.
By the way, PLAYSTATION 3 are not PlayStation. Therefore, The model number of PLAYSTATION 3 are not SCPH. and, PLAYSTATION 3 is compatible with PlayStation and PlayStation2 imperfectly.


PSFamilyEmblem SCPH is the model number of the PlayStation®1/2 format hardware which Sony Computer Entertainment(SCE) released. When PlayStation is owned, these would be known. Because when the model number of PlayStation consoles is different, the compatible of software and hardware is different. Therefore, SCPH became the most notorious model number.
This page lists SCPH in Japan. The last number of the SCPH usually mean the region it's sold in, the number 0 means Japan, 1 means North America. For example SCPH-50000 is Japan PS2, SCPH-50001 is U.S. PS2. As for the region, the difference of the power supply is included. Therefore, It seems that this list serves as a reference enough if these are noted.
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PSファミリーエンブレム Model No. Model Name Note

SCPH-100 PS one PlayStation was miniaturized. July 7, 2000 for ¥15000. Price reduced May 16, 2002 to OpenPrice.
SCPH-110 Analog Controller
It's the same function as an DUALSHOCK Analog Controller(SCPH-1200). but, The connector was rounded to fit PS one. There is the following color variations. July 7, 2000 for ¥3300. Price reduced June 27, 2002 to ¥2500.
SCPH-110 : Light Gray (July 7, 2000)
SCPH-110BJ: Slate Gray (August 23, 2001)
SCPH-110GI: Emerald (August 23, 2001)
SCPH-110RQ: Crimson Red(August 23, 2001)
SCPH-110L : Island Blue(August 23, 2001)
SCPH-112 AC adapter AC adapter for PS one. input: AC100V 50/60Hz Output:DC7.5V max2.0A
SCPH-120 AC adapter AC adapter for PS one with LCD Screen. input: AC100V 50/60Hz Output:DC7.5V max3.0A
SCPH-130 LCD Screen (for PS one) It's the SCE official LCD screen to fit PS one. The screen size is 5 inches. October 12, 2001 for ¥14800. Price reduced May 16, 2002 to OpenPrice.
SCPH-140 PS one
and LCD screen COMBO
It's the package of PS one with LCD-screen. November 22, 2001 for OpenPrice. Price reduced May 16, 2002 to ¥18000.
SCPH-152 LCD screen (for PS one) The model number of PAL versions LCD-screen in Europe seems to be "SCPH-152C".
SCPH-162 PS one & LCD screen The model number of PS one and PAL versions LCD screen in Europe seems to be "SCPH-162C".
SCPH-170 Car Adapter (for PS one) The power supply for PS one from car cigarette lighter. December 13, 2001 for ¥3600.
SCPH-180 AV Connection Cable It's AV cable that can be connected with "AV IN" in the rear of LCD-screen. It was not released in Japan.







SCPH-1000 PlayStation It's first PlayStation format console. It seems to be able to play the software burnt to CD-R easily, because the protecting processing is not strict. December 3, 1994 for ¥39800.
SCPH-1010 Controller It's the first type of controller for PlayStation. Improved SCPH-1080 appears and it finished the shipment. December 3, 1994 for ¥2500.
SCPH-1020 Memory Card Portable data storage device for PlayStation format with 1Mbits of flash memory. 15 blocks, each block is 64kbits. There is the following color variations. December 3, 1994 for ¥1800.(for ¥2000, case(SCPH-1210) included)
SCPH-1020 : (no color name, Gray) (December 3, 1994)
SCPH-1020Y : See-through Yellow (January 29, 1998)
SCPH-1020WJ: Grayish White (January 29, 1998)
SCPH-1020H : Gray (February 26, 1998)
SCPH-1020GI: Emerald (February 26, 1998)
SCPH-1020L : Island Blue (February 26, 1998)
SCPH-1020W : White (February 26, 1998)
SCPH-1020RI: Cherry Red (February 26, 1998)
SCPH-1020C : Crystal (February 26, 1998)
SCPH-1020YI: Lemon Yellow (February 26, 1998)
SCPH-1020D : Candy Orange (February 26, 1998)
SCPH-1020B : Black (February 26, 1998)
SCPH-1020BI: Smoke Gray (May 28, 1998)
SCPH-1020HI: Light Gray (July 7, 2000)
SCPH-1020BJ: Slate Gray (July 19, 2001)
SCPH-1020GJ: Emerald (July 19, 2001)
SCPH-1020RQ: Crimson Red (July 19, 2001)
SCPH-1020LI: Island Blue (July 19, 2001)
SCPH-1030 Mouse It's common 2-buttons Mouse for PlayStation format. It cannot use on PlayStation2 format software. December 3, 1994 for ¥3000.
SCPH-1040 Link Cable It can connect Two PlayStation, and battle can be performed. It cannot connect to PlayStation2 format console and PS one. ¥1500.
SCPH-1050 RGB Cable The RGB Cable could use to television that have 21-pin RGB Connector. It cannot RGB-output on DVD player(after Ver2.00). ¥2500.
SCPH-1060 RFU Cable Apparatus used when outputting through an antenna line. but, in the various output methods, quality is worst. It cannot use on after SCPH-5500. March 17, 1995 for ¥2500.
SCPH-1070 Multitap It's necessary apparatus when multi-play on PlayStation format software. It cannot use on PlayStation2 format software. November 22, 1995 for ¥3600.
SCPH-1080 Controller It's the second type of controller for PlayStation. The cable became long, and the noise filter was added. Other functions are the same as SCPH-1010. April 2, 1996 for ¥2500.
SCPH-1090 Mouse (Long Cable) It's common 2-buttons Mouse for PlayStation format. It cannot use on PlayStation2 format software. The cable became long. May 7, 1998 for ¥3000.
SCPH-1100 S Video Cable The S Video Cable is used to display a higher quality picture than AV Cable(integrated audio/video). High picture could enjoy easily, because there are many supporting televisions. November 22, 1995 for ¥3000.
SCPH-1110 Analog Joystick It have two Analog Stick. It can use on a few compatible software. April 26, 1996 for ¥6900.
SCPH-1120 RFU Adapter Apparatus used when outputting through an antenna line. but, in the various output methods, quality is worst. November 22, 1996 for ¥2500.
SCPH-1130 AC Power Cord It can supply power to PlayStation. November 22, 1996 for ¥400.
SCPH-1140 AV Cable
(integrated audio/video)
This Cable is used to display a standard picture. It's the simplest connection cable. because, The cable can be connected to most television. March 14, 1997 for ¥1000.
SCPH-1150 Analog Controller It's a prototype controller of DUALSHOCK(SCPH-1200). Two analog sticks and one vibrating motors are added from second type controller. The stick is a concave type. The analog mode switch is switched to three; a digital mode, an analog mode(RED), and the analog joystick mode(GREEN). April 25, 1997 for ¥3000.
SCPH-1160 AV Adapter Provides additional composite video, audio functionality. April 25, 1997 for ¥1200.
SCPH-1170 Memory Card Triple Packs It bundled three MemoryCards. November 15, 1996 for ¥4000.
SCPH-1180 Analog Controller It looks like Analog Controller(SCPH-1150). but, the vibrating motors was not build-in. It not released in Japan.
SCPH-1190 Memory Card It's one of the color variations of MemoryCard. It's transparent(Clear) in color. It was shipped only 0.3 million units in Japan. July 17, 1997 for ¥2000.
SCPH-1191 Memory Card It's one of the color variations of MemoryCard. It's see-through Orange in color. October 9, 1997 for ¥2000.
SCPH-1192 Christmas Color
Memory Card
It's one of the color variations of MemoryCard. It's see-through Red in color. It was shipped only 0.4 million units in Japan. November 27, 1997 for ¥2000.
SCPH-1193 Christmas Color
Memory Card
It's one of the color variations of MemoryCard. It's see-through Green in color. It was shipped only 0.4 million units in Japan. November 27, 1997 for ¥2000.
SCPH-1194 Christmas Color
Memory Card
It's one of the color variations of MemoryCard. It's see-through White in color. It was shipped only 0.4 million units in Japan. November 27, 1997 for ¥2000.
SCPH-1195 Memory Card It's one of the color variations of MemoryCard. It's see-through Yellow in color. The model number had changed into SCPH-1020Y before it shipped.
SCPH-1196 Memory Card It's one of the color variations of MemoryCard. It's Grayish White in color. The model number had changed into SCPH-1020WJ before it shipped.
SCPH-1200 Analog Controller
It's the third type of controller for PlayStation. Two analog sticks and two vibrating motors are added from second type controller. The stick is a convex type. The analog mode switch is switched to two; a digital mode, an analog mode(RED). There is the following color variations. November 20, 1997 for ¥3300.
SCPH-1200 : Gray (November 20, 1997)
SCPH-1200W : White (March 19, 1998)
SCPH-1200B : Diamond Black(March 19, 1998)
SCPH-1200C : Crystal (April 23, 1998)
SCPH-1200BI: Smoke Gray (April 23, 1998)
SCPH-1200GI: Emerald (May 28, 1998)
SCPH-1200L : Island Blue (May 28, 1998)
SCPH-1210 Memory Card Case It's case for MemoryCard. It was bundled to MemoryCard by spring 1998. March 19, 1998 for ¥200.
SCPH-3000 PlayStation It's PlayStation from which the S-video output was removed. July 21, 1995 for ¥29800. Price reduced November 24, 1995 to OpenPrice?
SCPH-3500 PlayStation
Fighting Box
It's PlayStation bundled with two controller for Fighting. March 28, 1996 for ¥24800.
SCPH-4000 PocketStation It's the MemoryCard with monochrome LCD-screen. It can be playing "Doko Demo Issyo" etc.. January 23, 1999 for ¥3000. Shipment finished at July 19, 2002. It was shipped 4.9 million units in Japan.
SCPH-4000 : White
SCPH-4000C: Crystal
SCPH-4010 VPick It's an input device to have imitated a guitar-pick. The tennis racket etc. can be played instead of the guitar. It's compatible with "QUEST FOR FAME" and "STOLEN SONG".
SCPH-4020 Long Strap
(for PocketStation)
It's official long strap for PocketStation. January 23, 1999 for ¥400.
SCPH-4030 Wrist Strap
(for PocketStation)
It's official wrist strap for PocketStation. January 23, 1999 for ¥300.
SCPH-5000 PlayStation It's PlayStation to which the cost was downed. June 22, 1996 for ¥19800.
SCPH-5500 PlayStation It's PlayStation which audio/video output became only the "AV MULTI OUT". The processing performance seems to have improved by changing the main memory and the video chip. November 15, 1996 for ¥19800.
SCPH-5903 PlayStation It's PlayStation in conformity with Video CD format ver.2.0(compatible with playback control function). It's white in color. It was released only in Asia(No release in Japan).
SCPH-7000 PlayStation
It's PlayStation which default controller is Analog Controller(DUALSHOCK). and, "Sound Scope" was added. November 13, 1997 for ¥18000.
SCPH-7500 PlayStation
Because the PocketStation(SCPH-4000) was released, it's PlayStation reduce the price. January 23, 1999 for ¥15000.
SCPH-9000 PlayStation It's PlayStation from which the parallel I/O port was removed. June, 1999 for ¥15000.


















SCPH-10000 PlayStation2 It's first PlayStation2 format console. The region check of DVD was able to be evaded an initial shipment(DVD player ver1.00) by a specific operation. It's bundled MemoryCard(SCPH-10020). March 4, 2000 for ¥39800.
SCPH-10010 Analog Controller
It's the controller for PlayStation2. All buttons(except L3 * R3 * START * SELECT buttons) is analog input. There is the following color variations. March 4, 2000 for ¥3500. Price reduced June 27, 2002 to ¥2800.
SCPH-10010 : Black (March 4, 2000)
SCPH-10010C : Crystal (June 27, 2002)
SCPH-10010G : Emerald (June 27, 2002)
SCPH-10010R : Crimson Red (June 27, 2002)
SCPH-10010Y : Lemon Yellow (June 27, 2002)
SCPH-10010L : Ocean Blue (July 18, 2002)
SCPH-10010BI: Zen Black (August 1, 2002)
SCPH-10010MB: Midnight Blue (June 12, 2003)
SCPH-10010NB: Midnight Black(November 13, 2003)
SCPH-10010CW: Ceramic White (December 4, 2003)
SCPH-10010PW: Pearl White (July 15, 2004)
SCPH-10010SS: Satin Silver (November 23, 2005)
SCPH-10020 Memory Card (8MB)
(for PlayStation2)
Portable data storage device for PlayStation2 format with 8MBytes of flash memory. March 4, 2000 for ¥3500. Price reduced June 27, 2002 to ¥2800.
SCPH-10020 : Black (March 4, 2000)
SCPH-10020C : Crystal (June 27, 2002)
SCPH-10020G : Emerald (June 27, 2002)
SCPH-10020R : Crimson Red (June 27, 2002)
SCPH-10020Y : Lemon Yellow (June 27, 2002)
SCPH-10020LI: Island Blue (July 18, 2002)
SCPH-10020BI: Zen Black (August 1, 2002)
SCPH-10020MB: Midnight Blue(June 12, 2003)
SCPH-10020CW: Ceramic White(December 4, 2003)
SCPH-10020SS: Satin Silver (November 23, 2005)
SCPH-10020 Memory Card (8MB)
(for PlayStation2)
Premium Series
It's MemoryCard where a special image is printed. and, including case. ¥2800.
SCPH-10020KA: Doko Demo Issyo (White) (November 27, 2003)
SCPH-10020KJ: Ape Escape (Yellow) (November 27, 2003)
SCPH-10020KP: Hot Shots Golf 4 (Green) (November 27, 2003)
SCPH-10020KF: Wild Arms: Alter Code F (Light Blue) (November 27, 2003)
SCPH-10020KH: Mobile Suit Ζ-GUNDAM A.E.U.G vs Titans (Blue) (December 4, 2003)
SCPH-10020KB: Gran Turismo 4 Prologue (White) (December 4, 2003)
SCPH-10020KM: Resident Evil Outbreak (White) (December 11, 2003)
SCPH-10020KK: Momotarou Dentetsu 12 (Yellow) (December 11, 2003)
SCPH-10020KG: Sonic Heroes (Light Blue) (December 18, 2003)
SCPH-10020KR: Taiko no Tatsujin (Orange) (December 18, 2003)
SCPH-10020KT: Hajime no Ippo 2: Victorious Road (White) (January 29, 2004)
SCPH-10020KN: Onimusha 3 (Black) (February 26, 2004)
SCPH-10020KS: Doko Demo Issyo: Toro and the Shooting Star (White) (April 1, 2004)
SCPH-10020KQ: Derby Stallion 04 (Green) (April 22, 2004)
SCPH-10020KC: Super Robot Wars MX (White) (May 27, 2004)
SCPH-10020KW: Jikkyo Powerful Pro Baseball 11 (White) (July 15, 2004)
SCPH-10020KE: World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 (Yellow) (August 5, 2004)
SCPH-10020KX: Suikoden IV (Light Blue) (August 19, 2004)
SCPH-10020KY: Doko Demo Issyo: Toro to Ippai (White) (September 2, 2004)
SCPH-10020KL: Gran Turismo 4 (White) (December 28, 2004)
SCPH-10020KI: ToHeart2 (Purple)(December 28, 2004)
SCPH-10030 AV Cable
(integrated audio/video)
This Cable is used to display a standard picture. It's the simplest connection cable. because, The cable can be connected to most television. March 4, 2000 for ¥1000.
SCPH-10040 Vertical Stand
(for PlayStation2)
It uses when PlayStation2 in upright position. It don't use for PlayStation2 (SCPH-70000 SERIES). March 4, 2000 for ¥1500.
SCPH-10050 AC power cord It can supply power to PlayStation. March 4, 2000 for ¥400.
SCPH-10060 S Video Cable The S Video Cable is used to display a higher quality picture than AV Cable(integrated audio/video). High picture could enjoy easily, because there are many supporting televisions. March 4, 2000 for ¥3000. Price reduced July 25, 2002 to ¥2500.
SCPH-10070 RFU Adapter Apparatus used when outputting through an antenna line. but, in the various output methods, quality is worst. March 4, 2000 for ¥2500.
SCPH-10080 AV Adapter Provides additional composite video, audio functionality. March 4, 2000 for ¥1200.
SCPH-10090 Multitap
(for PlayStation2)
It's necessary apparatus when multi-play on PlayStation2 format software. It cannot use on PlayStation format software. moreover, It cannot use at PlayStation2 (SCPH-70000 SERIES). March 4, 2000 for ¥3600.
SCPH-10100 Component AV Cable
(for PlayStation2)
The Component AV Cable is used to display a higher quality picture than AV Cable(integrated audio/video). If your TV and software is compatible with progressive scan, the TV can display more higher quality picture. March 4, 2000 for ¥2500.
SCPH-10110 Horizontal Stand
(for PlayStation2)
It uses when PlayStation2 in horizontal position. March 4, 2000 for ¥1000.
SCPH-10120 AV Multi Cable The cable is compatible with RGB output. NO RELEASE.
SCPH-10130 AV Adapter
(with S VIDEO OUT connector)
Provides additional composite video, audio, and S-Video output functionality. October 12, 2000 for ¥1500.
SCPH-10142 EURO-AV Cable The cable is compatible with SCART. Because Japanese TVs don't have SCART, It don't release in Japan.
SCPH-10150 DVD Remote Control
(for PlayStation2)
It's a usual infrared rays remote controller to whom operativeness might improve when DVD is seen with PlayStation2. When using it with SCPH-10000 * SCPH-15000 * SCPH-18000 * SCPH-30000, it's necessary to connect IR receiver (SCPH-10160) with console.
SCPH-10160 IR Receiver Unit
(for PlayStation2)
When using DVD Remote Control with SCPH-10000 * SCPH-15000 * SCPH-18000 * SCPH-30000, it need to connect with console.
SCPH-10170 DVD Remote Control
(for PlayStation2)
with IR Receiver Unit
It's package of DVD Remote Control(SCPH-10150) and IR Receiver Unit(SCPH-10160). December 22, 2000 for ¥3500.
SCPH-10180 Mobile phone Connection Cable
(for DoCoMo's i-mode)
It can connect to i-mode mobile phone by PlayStation. May 24, 2001 for ¥2800.
SCPH-10190 Network Adaptor(Ethernet)
(for PlayStation2)
(PC CARD Type)
It's one of the Hard Disk Drive Unit(External type) accessories. It's an adaptor to connect LAN and the hard disk. ¥3980.
SCPH-10200 AC adapter
for External Hard Disk Drive
It's one of the Hard Disk Drive Unit(External type) accessories. It's an AC adapter for External Hard Disk Drive.
SCPH-10210 Hard Disk Drive Unit
(External type 40GB)
It's Hard Disk Drive Unit for SCPH-10000 * SCPH-15000 * SCPH-18000. It was sold on since 19 July 2001 to 18 February 2002. ¥19000.
SCPH-10220 Vertical Stand
(for PlayStation2)
(expandable for External HDD)
It uses when PlayStation2 in upright position. It don't use for PlayStation2 (SCPH-70000 SERIES). July 19, 2001 for ¥1500.
SCPH-10230 USB Mouse
(for PlayStation2)
It's a usual black USB mouse with scroll-wheel. September 20, 2001 for ¥4000. but, It became a sales end before one is aware.
SCPH-10240 USB Keyboard
(for PlayStation2)
It's a usual black USB keyboard. Japan Version is 101-key. English Version is 104-keys(SCPH-10240E).
September 20, 2001 for ¥4000.(but, It became a sales end before one is aware.)
November 13, 2003 for ¥3500.(SCE was announced "NEW RELEASE!".)
SCPH-10250 Network Adaptor It's one of the Hard Disk Drive Unit(EXPANSION BAY type) accessories. It's an adaptor to connect LAN and the hard disk. The difference from SCPH-10350 is uncertain.
SCPH-10260 Internal HDD unit (40GB)
(for PlayStation2)
It's Hard Disk Drive Unit for SCPH-30000 series and SCPH-50000 series. It was sold on since 19 July 2001 to 18 February 2002. ¥18000.
SCPH-10270 PlayStation2 LinuxKit It's a set of peripherals that can do Linux by PlayStation2. There is model number only "SCPH-10270K".
SCPH-10281 Network Adaptor
The network adaptor released in the United States is compatible to the modem. This model number is SCPH-10281.
The model number is being certificated, because SCE thought it's released in Japan. SCPH-10280(Certification date: 01/10/10, Certification number: A01-0858JP) SCPH-10281(Certification date: 03/02/10, Certification number: A01-0858JP)
However, it was not released in Japan, because SCE had promoted broadband service(PlayStationBB).
SCPH-10290 UNKNOWN It seems network peripherals. but, Details are uncertain. because it's not announced. However, it's being certificated by JATE. (Certification date: 01/11/26, Certification number: A01-1054JP)
SCPH-10300 Hard Disk Drive It seems HardDisk bundled with LinuxKit. Details are uncertain.
SCPH-10310 Hard Disk Drive It seems HardDisk bundled with LinuxKit. Details are uncertain.
SCPH-10320 D-sub 15-pin Conversion Cable
with Audio Plugs
(for PlayStation2)
The cable is compatible with VGA(Sync on Green) output, The cable bundled with LinuxKit, and can be used by only for Linuxkit.
SCPH-10330 D-terminal AV Cable
with Audio Plugs
(for PlayStation2)
The D-terminal AV Cable is used to display a higher quality picture than AV Cable(integrated audio/video). If your TV and software is compatible with progressive scan, the TV can display more higher quality picture. D-terminal passes the same signal as the component, and is a Japanese original standard. July 25, 2002 for ¥2500.
SCPH-10340 Unidentified
SCPH-10350 Network Adaptor(Ethernet)
(for PlayStation2)
It's one of the Hard Disk Drive Unit(EXPANSION BAY type) accessories. It's an adaptor to connect LAN and the hard disk. The difference from SCPH-10250 is uncertain. June 12, 2003 for ¥3980.
SCPH-10360, SCPH-10370, SCPH-10380 Unidentified
SCPH-10390 PlayStation BB Unit
(External type 40GB)
It's the kit to provided the PlayStationBB service. However, PlayStationBB never provided the satisfactory service. It's bundled with HDD unit and "PlayStation BB Navigator" software. It is compatible with PlayStation2 with the PC card slot(SCPH-10000 * SCPH-15000 * SCPH-18000). June 12, 2003 for ¥15000.
SCPH-10400 PlayStation BB Unit
It's the kit to provided the PlayStationBB service. However, PlayStationBB never provided the satisfactory service. It's bundled with HDD unit and "PlayStation BB Navigator" software. It is compatible with PlayStation2 with the EXPANSION BAY(SCPH-30000series * SCPH-50000series). June 12, 2003 for ¥12800.
SCPH-10410 Memory Card (8MB)
(for PlayStation2)
(Twin Pack)
It's bundled with TWO memory cards.
"SCPH-10410 LIG" is bunndled "Island Blue" & "Emerald". July 18, 2002 for ¥4800.(in Japan)
"SCPH-10410 CWG" is bunndled "Ceramic White" & "Black". December 4, 2004 for ¥3500.(in Japan)
"SCPH-10410 U" is bunndled "Crimson Red" & "Island Blue". (in U.S.)
SCPH-10420 DVD Remote Control
(for PlayStation2)
It's a usual infrared rays remote controller to whom operativeness might improve when DVD is seen with PlayStation2. It's extended "OPEN/CLOSE button" and "RESET button" from SCPH-10150 version. It's suitable for SCPH-50000 series. May 15, 2003 for ¥2200.
SCPH-10430, SCPH-10440, SCPH-10450, SCPH-10460, SCPH-10470 Unidentified
SCPH-10480 S Video Cable It's the S Video Cable(SCPH-10060) renewed for PLAYSTATION 3. The cable length became 3m from 2.5m. December 7, 2006 for ¥3000.
SCPH-10490 Component AV Cable It's the Component AV Cable(SCPH-10100) renewed for PLAYSTATION 3. The cable length became 3m from 2.5m. December 7, 2006 for ¥3000.
SCPH-10500 AV Cable It's the AV Cable(SCPH-10030) renewed for PLAYSTATION 3. The cable length became 3m from 2.5m. December 7, 2006 for ¥1500.
SCPH-10510 D-terminal AV Cable It's the D-terminal AV Cable(SCPH-10330) renewed for PLAYSTATION 3. The cable length became 3m from 2.5m. November 22, 2006 for ¥3000.
SCPH-15000 PlayStation2 It's PlayStation2 that evades the trouble of SCPH-10000. June 15, 2000 for ¥39800.
SCPH-18000 PlayStation2 It bundled with DVD Remote Control(SCPH-10150) and IR Receiver Unit(SCPH-10160). but, It don't bundled MemoryCard(SCPH-10020). December 8, 2000 for ¥39800.
SCPH-20400 External Hard Disk Drive (40GB)
(for PlayStation2)
It's Hard Disk Drive for PlayStation2. The Network adaptor is necessary to connect it. June 12, 2003 for ¥12000.
SCPH-20401 Internal Hard Disk Drive (40GB)
(for PlayStation2)
It's Hard Disk Drive for PlayStation2. The Network adaptor is necessary to connect it. June 12, 2003 for ¥9980.
SCPH-30000 PlayStation2 It's PlayStation2 to which the PC card slot is removed, and EXPANTION-BAY is added. It don't bundled DVD Remote Control(SCPH-10150) and IR Receiver Unit(SCPH-10160). The same model number is different in the first-term type and the latter-term type power-consumption etc.
April 18, 2001 for OpenPrice.
Price reduced June 29, 2001 to ¥35000.
Price reduced November 29, 2001 to ¥29800.
Price reduced May 16, 2002 to OpenPrice.
SCPH-30000 PlayStation2 Special LimitedModel
“European Automobile Color Collection”
It's PlayStation2 of Glossy Metallic Finish. PlayStation2 Special LimitedModel “European Automobile Color Collection” December 21, 2001 for ¥50000/unit(Limited quantities of 600units), ¥250000/unit(Limited quantities of 66sets). It bundled with same color(Glossy Metallic Finish)'s Vertical Stand.
SCPH-30000 RSR: Super Red
SCPH-30000 RMS: Metallic Silver
SCPH-30000 RAB: Astral Blue
SCPH-30000 RSW: Snow White
SCPH-30000 RLY: Light Yellow
SCPH-35000 PlayStation2
GT3 Racing Pack
It's PlayStation2 that bundled "Gran Turismo 3 A-spec". SCPH-35000 is only PlayStation2 GT3 Racing Pack (SCPH-35000 GT). The console is the same as first-term SCPH-30000 basically. June 8, 2001 for ¥39800.
SCPH-37000 PlayStation2
2002 Color Series
It's PlayStation2 of the color model in 2002. It bundled with DVD Remote Control(SCPH-10150) and IR Receiver Unit(SCPH-10160).
"Ocean Blue" sold July 18, 2002 for ¥30000.
"Zen Black" sold August 1, 2002 for ¥30000.
SCPH-39000 PlayStation2 It's PlayStation2 to which the cost was downed. There is no big difference from SCPH-37000 and the latter-term SCPH-30000. November 21, 2002 for OpenPrice.
Ratchet & Clank Action Pack
It's PlayStation2 that bundled "Ratchet & Clank". "Ratchet & Clank"is piece for the 8th anniversary of PlayStation. December 3, 2002 for ¥26800(Toys"R"Us: ¥26799).
SCPH-39000 : Black
SCPH-39000 TB: Toys Blue(Toys"R"Us limited color)
Spring 2003 Color Models
It's PlayStation2 of the color model in spring 2003. It's commemoration that 50 million PlayStation2 manufactured.
"SILVER (SCPH-39000 S)" sold February 13, 2003 for ¥25000.
"SAKURA (SCPH-39000 SA)" sold February 20, 2003 for ¥25000.
"AQUA (SCPH-39000 AQ)" sold February 20, 2003 for ¥25000.
SCPH-50000 PlayStation2 It's PlayStation2 to which the function of the DVD video player is strengthened. The DVD video player is compatible with progressive scan, and the reproduction of DVD±R/RW. and, IR receiver is built into the console. and more, The noise of the console is suppressed and it's quiet. The i.Link-terminal is removed. May 15, 2003 for ¥25000.
SCPH-50000NB NEW standard color of
SCE was announced "Midnight Black is NEW standard color". This model number is "SCPH-50000 NB" However, This standard color ended in only one year. Power consumption has fallen on 32W from 39W, excluding the first-term type. November 13, 2003 for ¥19800.
SCPH-50000TSS PlayStation2
Satin Silver
It's the Toys"R"Us limited color "Satin Silver". This model number is "SCPH-50000 TSS" It's the same as "SCPH-50000 NB" basically. November 19, 2003 for ¥19799.
Spring 2004 Color Models
It's PlayStation2 of the color model in spring 2004. "Ceramic White" and "SAKURA" were the popular color.
"Ceramic White (SCPH-50000 CW)" sold March 18, 2004 for ¥19800.
"SAKURA (SCPH-50000 SA)" sold March 25, 2004 for ¥19800.
SCPH-50000PW PlayStation2
Summer 2004 Color Model
It's PlayStation2 of the color model in summer 2004. It's white different from "Ceramic White" by "Pearl White". This model number is "SCPH-50000 PW" July 15, 2004 for ¥19800.
SCPH-50000MB/NH “PlayStation 2” BB Pack It's PlayStation2 that bundled "PlayStation BB Unit(External type 40GB)". It's "Midnight Blue" in color, and was bundled with same color's Vertical Stand. This model number is "SCPH-50000 MB/NH"
June 12, 2003 for ¥35000.
Price reduced November 13, 2003 to ¥29800.
Price reduced November 3, 2004 to ¥24800.
SCPH-55000GT “PlayStation 2” Racing Pack It's PlayStation2 that bundled "Gran Turismo 4 Prologue". It's "Ceramic White" in color, and is the same as SCPH-50000. This model number is "SCPH-55000 GT". December 4, 2003 for ¥22000.
SCPH-55000GU Mobile Suit Ζ-GUNDAM
Hyaku Shiki Gold Pack
It's PlayStation2 that bundled "Mobile Suit Ζ-GUNDAM A.E.U.G vs Titans". It's "Mobile Suit Ζ-GUNDAM TYPE-100 Gold" in color, and is the same as SCPH-50000. and more, It's bundled with two controller(Mobile Suit Ζ-GUNDAM TYPE-100 Gold) and "U.C. special vertical stand(Design by Kunio Oogawara)", "Memory card(Ζ-GUNDAM Bule)". This model number is "SCPH-55000 GU". December 4, 2003 for ¥35000.
SCPH-70000 PlayStation2 PlayStation2 was slimmed to about 230x28x152mm. It's called the alias "PStwo". It's not compatible with some peripherals, such as Multitap(SCPH-10090, SCPH-1070), Vertical Stand(SCPH-10040, SCPH-10220), Horizontal Stand(SCPH-10110), etc.. Specially, a few Hard Disk Drive required software can never run, because it's not compatible with the Hard Disk Drive. When this console is used, it's necessary to note them. It's "Charcoal Black" in color, and This model number is "SCPH-70000 CB". November 3, 2004 for OpenPrice.
SCPH-70000CW PlayStation 2 "Ceramic White" It's NEW standard color "Ceramic White". It's the same as "Charcoal Black(SCPH-70000 CB)". This model number is "SCPH-70000 CW". May 26, 2005 for OpenPrice.
SCPH-70000GT “PlayStation 2” Racing Pack It's PlayStation2 that bundled "Gran Turismo 4". It's "Charcoal Black" in color, and is the same as SCPH-70000. This model number is "SCPH-70000 GT". December 28, 2004 for ¥23800.
SCPH-70011 PlayStation2 It's SCPH-70000 SERIES PlayStation2 released in U.S. or North America. It's added Telephone Line terminal(modem).
SCPH-70100 AC adapter
for PlayStation 2
AC adapter for SCPH-70000 SERIES PlayStation2. March 24, 2005 for ¥3500.
SCPH-70110 Vertical Stand
(for PlayStation2)
It uses when PlayStation2 in upright position. It use only for PlayStation2 (SCPH-70000 SERIES). ¥1500.
SCPH-70110CB: Charcoal Black(November 3, 2004)
SCPH-70110CW: Ceramic White (May 26, 2005)
SCPH-70120 Multitap
(for PlayStation2)
It's necessary apparatus when multi-play. It can use on both PlayStation format and PlayStation2 format software. but, It use only for PlayStation2 (SCPH-70000 SERIES). November 3, 2004 for ¥3600.
SCPH-75000 PlayStation 2 It's PlayStation2(SCPH-70000 SERIES) to which the cost was downed. but, The price is not dropped. It's not compatible with a few software. When this console is used, it's necessary to note them.
SCPH-75000CB: Charcoal Black(December 1, 2005 for OpenPrice)
SCPH-75000CW: Ceramic White(November 1, 2005 for OpenPrice)
SCPH-75000SSS PlayStation 2 "Satin Silver" It's PlayStation2 of the color model in 2005-end. It's "Satin Silver" in color, and bundled with same color's Vertical Stand. November 23, 2005 for OpenPrice.
SCPH-75000FF “PlayStation 2”
It's PlayStation2 that bundled "FINAL FANTASY XII". It has designed the crest of "Judge Master" on charcoal black's SCPH-75000. It's bundled with Vertical Stand which is necessary to correctly see design. moreover, bundled with Strap for MobilePhone. March 16, 2006 for OpenPrice.
SCPH-77000 PlayStation 2 It's PlayStation2(SCPH-70000 SERIES) to which the cost was downed more. It's not compatible with a few software. When this console is used, it's necessary to note them. September 15, 2006 for ¥16000(tax in).
SCPH-77000CB: Charcoal Black
SCPH-77000CW: Ceramic White
SCPH-77000 SS PlayStation 2 "Satin Silver" "Satin Silver" version PlayStation2 came again. It's no limited sale. November 22, 2006 for ¥16000(tax in).
SCPH-77000 PK PlayStation 2 "Pink" It's PlayStation2 of the color model in 2006-end. It's "Pink" in color. November 22, 2006 for ¥16000(tax in).
SCPH-79000 PlayStation 2 It's PlayStation2(SCPH-70000 SERIES) to which the weight was lightened(900g ⇒ 600g). ¥16000(tax in).
SCPH-79000CB: Charcoal Black(July 5, 2007)
SCPH-79000CW: Ceramic White (July 19, 2007)
SCPH-79000SS: Satin Silver (July 19, 2007)
SCPH-90000 PlayStation 2 It's PlayStation2(SCPH-79000 SERIES) with a built-in power supply. Buy it with PLAYSTATION 3. November 22, 2007 for ¥16000(tax in).
SCPH-90000CB: Charcoal Black
SCPH-90000CW: Ceramic White
SCPH-90000SS: Satin Silver
SCPH-90110 Vertical Stand
(for PlayStation2)
It uses when PlayStation2 in upright position. It use only for PlayStation2 (SCPH-90000 SERIES). November 22, 2007 for ¥1500.
SCPH-90110CB: Charcoal Black
SCPH-90110CW: Ceramic White
SCPH-97047 PlayStation2 LinuxKit It's a set of peripherals that can do Linux by PlayStation2. In U.S., Linuxkit seems to this model number. I don't understand well.
SCJH-10001 EyeToy™ USB Camera
(for PlayStation2)
This model nuber is SCJH, this isn't SCPH. The appearance projected onto the camera with the compatible software can be input. It seems to popular in other country, but was never popular in Japan.
This manufactured by Logitech is SCJH-10001L, and This manufactured by Namtai is SCJH-10001N. They seem to be "SLEH-00030", and to be "SLEH-00031" in other country(Europe?) respectively.
April 28, 2004 for ¥2980. February 11, 2004 for ¥6980 (EyeToy:Play bundled).
SCJH-11001 PlayStation2
Waku Waku EyeToy™ Pack
It's PlayStation2(SCPH-70000) that bundled "EyeToy: Play". December 16, 2004 for ¥22800.


VMC-AVM250 Multi AV Cable This cable is connected to the "AV Multi Terminal" on the WEGA(Sony's TV). The cable is compatible with RGB or YCbCr output. The WEGA can display highest quality picture of PlayStation. July 5, 1997 for ¥3000.
DESR-10 Analog Controller for PSX
It's the controller for PSX and is white in color. The cable became long to 4m. Other functions are the same as DUALSHOCK2 Analog Controller(SCPH-10010). December 13, 2003 for ¥3500.
PSX It's DVD/HDD Recorder equipped with the chip of PlayStation2(EE+GS). The software of PlayStaton format and PlayStaton2 format can be played if it hopes. If hopes, the software of PlayStaton format and PlayStaton2 format can be used. It's not compatible with some peripherals. When this console is used, it's necessary to note them. The size is width 312mm x height 88mm x depth 323mm.
  • DESR-5000
    HDD capacity is approximately 160GB. The weight is about 5.7kg. December 13, 2003 for ¥79800.
  • DESR-5100
    HDD capacity is approximately 160GB. The weight is about 5.7kg. It seems to be the same as DESR-5000 to which the third firmware(August 2004 version) was updated. and, Two splitters are bundled. July 1, 2004 for OpenPrice.
  • DESR-7000
    HDD capacity is approximately 250GB. The weight is about 5.8kg. December 13, 2003 for ¥99800.
  • DESR-7100
    HDD capacity is approximately 250GB. The weight is about 5.8kg. It seems to be the same as DESR-7000 to which the third firmware(August 2004 version) was updated. and, Two splitters are bundled. July 1, 2004 for OpenPrice.
PSX It's DVD/HDD Recorder equipped with the chip of PlayStation2. The DVD recording function etc. have improved. The size is width 312mm x height 95mm x depth 323mm.
  • DESR-5500
    HDD capacity is approximately 160GB. The weight is about 6.2kg. There are neither a ghost reduction circuit nor BS tuner. December 10, 2004 for OpenPrice. Production finished at February 2005.
  • DESR-5700
    HDD capacity is approximately 160GB. The weight is about 6.2kg. It seems to be the same as DESR-5500 to which the firmware(April 2005 version) was updated. April 15, 2005 for OpenPrice.
  • DESR-7500
    HDD capacity is approximately 250GB. The weight is about 6.5kg. There is i.LINK(DV input). December 10, 2004 for OpenPrice. Production finished at February 2005.
  • DESR-7700
    HDD capacity is approximately 250GB. The weight is about 6.5kg. It seems to be the same as DESR-7500 to which the firmware(April 2005 version) was updated. April 15, 2005 for OpenPrice.

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SCPH-4010 (@February 8, 2004) was offered information by Hinagiku-san. Thanks!
SCPH-1020 BI (@October 25, 2005) and SCPH-1020 HI (@October 26, 2005) was offered information by Bona-san. Thanks!

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